conttoreaper Admin replied

337 weeks ago

The Rain Full Movie Download In Hindi

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646f9e108c A German Shepard named Rain is trained to fight in the Vietnam War and his intelligence and courage in the face of adversity wins the respect and loyalty of his platoon.
I expected a low-budget movie that was long on story and short on effects. The story, however, was full of hackneyed elements (the jaded Lt. who won't trust the new guy, the platoon full of chip-on-the-shoulder vets, the new guy who earns the platoon's respect through his grit…and on and on). It was also piled high with errors in detail that just irritated me. It seemsthough there were no military advisors at all working on this film. Few or none of the rifles carried by the platoon dated to Vietnam. In one case, a sharpshooter picks off a VC sniper using a rifle developed in the mid-90's that shoots pistol ammo - hardly the high-accuracy piece they were trying to depict.<br/><br/>The romance that appears in the film is also laughable and totally unnecessary. That the lead character places his love in harm's way with little regard for her safety is obnoxious - and probably worth a court martial.<br/><br/>I am an animal lover, and when I heard Animal Planet was going to show the story of military dogs in Vietnam, I was excited. The story, though, is thin and the attention to detail was so poorto be a distraction.
Compared to most dog films this was great. The dog itself carried the film. As for the girl, I think she would have risked it to help Rain without being asked. The industry is crying out for a movie featuring a dog to equal the horse in "War Horse". At the start of the film the dog seems very docile, a family dog, unsuitable for war but yes dogs can be trained. As 4,500 dogs were sent out to Nam one must assume that indeed great bravery was shown by the dogs. Justwars have improved health care for human veterans (although many later become neglected) I wonder how much medical care dogs get in the military. I know of at least one veterinarian in the UK uses his own intelligence and new "war injury" technology to get animals with serious leg and spine problems, to walk again. The tragedy is that 5 million healthy young dogs are euthanized every year in the USA because dogs and puppies are abandoned.

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last edited 260 weeks ago by conttoreaper
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